"The Hidden Gems of Cloud Computing: Little Known Projects You Need to Try"

Cloud computing is an incredibly vast and constantly-evolving field, with new platforms and services popping up every day. Many of these projects are widely-known and gain large followings in the tech community, but what about the ones that don't get as much attention? The ones that may be lesser-known or overlooked but can still offer unique features and benefits?

That's where this article comes in - we'll be exploring some of the hidden gems of cloud computing, the little known projects that might just change the way you work with the cloud. These projects span a range of functionalities and use cases - from data storage and management to serverless computing and beyond - so no matter what you use the cloud for, there's sure to be something here that catches your eye.


First up on our list of hidden gems is S3QL, a file system that allows you to store data in cloud storage providers such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and OpenStack. What sets S3QL apart from other cloud storage solutions is its additional features: it provides encryption and compression of all data, supports random write access and read-after-write verification, and has built-in file deduplication. These features make S3QL an excellent choice for anyone looking for secure and reliable cloud storage.


Serf is a lightweight and highly-scalable cluster management and orchestration tool. It allows you to quickly and easily create and manage clusters of nodes and handle tasks such as deployment, rolling updates, and fault detection. One of the standout features of Serf is its ability to handle node failures gracefully, ensuring that your services continue running even if a node goes down. If you're looking for a low-maintenance way to manage your cloud infrastructure, Serf is definitely worth a try.


Packer is an open-source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms. With Packer, you can create machine images for Amazon EC2, Google Cloud, and others all from a single, declarative configuration file. This makes it easy to maintain consistent infrastructure across different cloud platforms, ensuring that your applications and services are running on identical machine images no matter where they're hosted.

Cloud Custodian

Cloud Custodian is a tool for managing your cloud resources and enforcing policies to ensure compliance and cost optimization. It allows you to perform automated maintenance tasks such as cleaning up unused resources and tagging resources with metadata, as well as enforcing policies such as ensuring that all resources are encrypted, or that no resources are open to the public internet. Cloud Custodian can manage cloud resources across multiple platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.


Serverless is an open-source platform for building and running serverless applications. It allows you to focus on writing code, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Serverless supports a variety of cloud functions and services, including AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions. It also has a large library of plugins and templates, making it easy to get started with building serverless applications.


KrakenD is a lightweight API gateway that can help you simplify your API development and management. It provides a layer of abstraction between your application and your microservices, enabling you to expose your microservices as a unified API. KrakenD supports a wide range of protocols and data formats, including REST, WebSocket, GraphQL, and others. It also has built-in authentication and rate limiting features, making it a secure and scalable choice for managing your APIs.


FreeIPA is an open-source identity management solution that can help you manage users, groups, and policies across multiple platforms. It provides a centralized directory service that can be used to manage user authentication and permissions for Linux hosts, cloud providers, and other IT systems. FreeIPA also includes a range of authentication and authorization features, including single sign-on, two-factor authentication, and fine-grained access control policies.

Argo CD

Argo CD is a continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes that can help you deploy and manage your applications in a reproducible and automated way. It allows you to define your application deployment workflows as code and then deploy them automatically to your Kubernetes cluster. Argo CD also includes features such as automatic rollbacks and scheduled deployments, making it easy to manage your Kubernetes applications at scale.


Caddy is a modern, easy-to-use web server that can help you quickly and easily deploy your web applications. It includes a variety of features out of the box, including automatic HTTPS, virtual hosting, and reverse proxying. Caddy also has a powerful plugin system that allows you to add custom functionality to your web server, such as caching, authentication, and rate limiting.


CockroachDB is a distributed SQL database that is designed to be resilient, scalable, and highly-available. It provides ACID transactions, strong consistency, and automatic data sharding, making it a great choice for cloud-based web applications. CockroachDB is also built with security in mind, providing features such as encryption at rest and in transit, and multi-factor authentication.


Cloud computing is a rapidly-evolving field, with new technologies and services being developed all the time. While some of these projects gain large followings, others remain hidden gems, offering unique and valuable functionalities to those who take the time to discover them. Whether you're looking for secure cloud storage, reliable cluster management, or scalable microservices, the projects on this list have got you covered.

So why not take some time to explore these lesser-known projects and see what they can do for you? Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite cloud computing tool!

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